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Shouldn’t transport by hot shot truck be cheaper than a big rig since it costs less to run?

Short answer is No…it doesn’t. LOL

Comparing the two transport options is like comparing taking a Taxi verses taking the Bus. 

  • The cost of a new one-ton truck has creeped up to the level of a decent semi-truck. So initial outlay is same ballpark. 
  • I compared my truck insurance to a friend’s semi-truck insurance. My pickup was well over twice the cost.
  • Hot shot companies, like Hightail Hotshotting, must pay the exact same for cargo insurance as a traditional semi-truck operation.
  • Hotshotting requires the same authorities to operate as the big rigs.

Ah but what about fuel? Gotcha! Nope sorry 

  • A tractor might get 5 mpg vs a loaded hot shot truck getting 11 mpg. However, our hot shot service is a dedicated round trip. Therefore, we are driving twice the distance for our hotshotting service.
  • Tractors have sleepers so drivers pull over anywhere and go to sleep. If our hot shot operators need a motel, it can easily run 150-200$ for one night.
  • Tractors are designed to run a million miles operating day in and out. As much as the big 3 would love to have you believe your pickup is built tough, they are in fact not designed for you to haul the max payload 5 days a week, all day and across the Rocky Mountains each way. They can do it, but your maintenance costs will be reflected in that use.

But the biggest reason you cannot compare price between Hotshotting, and traditional truck is the service. Hot shot service is on-demand emergency service. It requires highly organized preparation and availability when you have your emergency. It also requires flexible drivers who work much like firemen. Not everyone would like a call as they are manning the BBQ at 6 pm and suddenly are asked to drop everything. Then get in the truck and drive 700 miles that night. 

The bottom line.  Sometimes the bus is your cheapest option, but when it’s mission critical and the stakes are high, you want Hightail Hotshots. We will be sitting waiting for your call so we can drop everything and make your problem go away. 

To discuss this more with Erik at Hightail Hotshot, please give him a call at 604-728-3037 or email at erik@hightailhotshot.com

“When it absolutely must be there yesterday!”